Verdiso Frizzante, Gregoletto

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100% Verdiso

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Salami and cured meats, soft cheeses, fried fish

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Winemaker Notes

Verdiso Frizzante is an unfiltered, "Pet nat" wine, which is actually is made with an ancient technique in which the second fermentation is obtained with must made with dried grapes. 

The Story

Verdiso is a native vine of Treviso hills, whose documented presence dates back to over two centuries ago and its planting had already been imposed on the settlers of the Follina Abbey in 1788. The pet-nat version is for true wine lovers only. It comes from vines trained with very low yields and no treatments. The refermentation is triggered naturally by indigenous yeasts only. After years of testing, the crown cap was the ultimate choice to close the bottles because it is the best technical solution for the optimal conservation of the wine.

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